Our leadership philosophy
We believe in clarity and simplicity in leadership and leadership development because leading is much easier when you know what needs to be done. Claro helps your leadership team to find out and focus on what is truly important and make clarity your strength. Organizational culture can be transformed and targets achieved by great leadership.
We all have our different personalities, traits, strengths and ways of working. In Claro we believe that great teams are made up of great personalities and having a well-rounded collection of different personalities. Creating a high-performing team is not just having people with the right skills and technical ability.
Working with people who are different than you may challenge your thinking and increase innovative thinking.
The greatest teams are able to utilize the versatility of the different personalities and their strengths.
We use Narrative Big 5 personality assessment to help leaders and leadership teams to learn about their personality traits, strengths and opportunities and how to leverage them, improve communication and ensure the team is cohesive and high-performing.